As we got further out I noticed something on the tracks.I couldn't figure out what it was. When we got close enough I figured out it was a stopped train. We got up to the head end and shot it at Highway 206.
It also had two DPUs in the middle.
That was nice. I then noticed that the westbound signal was green. So we headed to Station road. I waited for about ten minutes and then the train showed up.It was a CN train with SOO locomotives on it.
It didn't have the ditch lights on.
After that we headed to Murdock road.We waited and after awhile we saw the lights of an eastbound intermodal.We headed to Deacons corner to shoot it. It was going slow but it picked up some speed as it went by. I think the shots I got were pretty nice.
It also had some interesting bonuses
Like this container with a tarp over it.
and this tank thing.
So this was quite the nice day on the Sprague.